So like probably half the fandom, I've got a playlist of random songs that for whatever reason remind me of Transformers. Figured I'd take a page from vejiraziel and primusatemyleg 's books and make little doodles to go with some of them. Even if they're not nearly as polished or inventive as those two manage.
Title: Oops Rating: PG-13/R Continuity: movie Characters: Sam/Mikaela, Barricade Summary: Sam and Mikaela get frisky together on top of a police car. Unfortunately for them, it happens to be Barricade.
First thing I ever wrote for the kink meme. The original prompt is here.
Title: New Rated: G Continuity: movie Characters: Ironhide, teen!Annabelle, Mikaela Summary: Fifteen years down the road, certain alt modes aren't as cool as they used to be. Gen. Originally posted 11-1-2007.